Pink Carnation Spotlight: Felicity Jones (Amy Balcourt)
In celebration of the newest upcoming book by Lauren Willig I thought I'd share with you what goes on in my head. I know, I know, a terrifying thought at any time, but at least this might amuse. I admit, whenever I read books I kind of dream cast them in my head if it were to become a movie or a miniseries... so obviously I've cast all Lauren Willig's books. Therefore combining my new little known BBC actor spotlight series with the Pink Carnation books seemed the next logical step. Plus if I see them in something Regency... Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell... it's very easy to picture them in the books, and no fair saying I'm typecasting! Cause, so what? It's my imagination. I plan on unveiling my star couples every weekend leading up to the release of The Betrayal of the Blood Lily (which incidentally you could win on my blog right now!) Therefore, without further ado... I bring to you the heroine of The Secret History of the Pink Carnation...
Name: Felicity Jones
Dream Character Casting for the Lauren Willig Miniseries: Amy BalcourtFirst Impression:As Catherine Morland in Andrew Davies' Northanger Abbey
Why they'd be the perfect actor for the Lauren Willig Miniseries: Her portral made me instantly think she would be perfect for Amy, with that little winsome smile, but don't forget her overactive imagination would be perfect for a girl capable of creating a famous spy moniker.Lasting Impression: Doctor Who... not so much for the role she played (though being a jewel thief is awesome), but just the fact she was on Doctor Who, how cool is that really!?!
What else you've seen them in: Besides being the best Catherine Morland ever, as well as being in the Agatha Christie episode of Doctor Who, "The Unicorn and the Wasp", she was the unicorn, she's also making a foray away from the small screen to the big one at a theater near you. She portrayed the youngest Flyte in the newest Brideshead, starred alongside Michelle Pfeiffer in Chéri and will soon be in the highly anticipated first movie of the genius team behind The Office and Extras, Ricky Gervais' and Stephen Merchant's Cemetery Junction.
Can't believe it's them: The Worst Witch, the tv series. Which I have to admit, I haven't watched much of, due to the fact I worship the original movie and don't really want to taint my feelings for it. But I'm sure Felicity does a great job as Ethel Hallow.
Wish they hadn't: We'll have to see about this one, but Julie Taymor is doing The Tempset... I still can't quite look at Laura Fraser without seeing her sans hands and tongue... who knows what she'll do to Felicity. Shudder to think.Bio: Has rapidly gone from relatively unknown theater and miniseries actress to being hotly in demand. I'd put money on her making it bigtime.
I think Felicity Jones, especially in the first posted image, makes a perfect Amy.
I have always had difficulty in picturing Amy for some reason, her face is always a blur when I reread parts of the book.
Do you have any suggestions for Richard? (Or Miles, who is my favourite!)
Sarah said... December 5, 2009 at 5:58 AM
Richard shall be alone shortly (aka tomorrow) and Miles... next Sunday... a couple a weekend you shall be given!
Miss Eliza said... December 5, 2009 at 1:48 PM
Wonderful news! I shall keep my eyes out!
Sarah said... December 5, 2009 at 4:53 PM
This is a very cool post. I have not started Willig's Pink Carnation series yet. I have Deception of the Emerald Ring but didn't realize when I got it that 2 other books came before it. Whoops!
Becca said... December 5, 2009 at 8:58 PM
Well Rebecca... you could always read them out of order. They stand enough alone, but then again, I love them all!
Miss Eliza said... December 5, 2009 at 9:09 PM
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