Sunday, September 1, 2024

And the Emmy Goes To...

This year I feel like I can't adequately describe how awesome television has been. There were so many adaptations that I know I'll just love forever. Yes, I'm looking at you and your steed Lady Jane! I hope we get to ride for another season or seven. There were shows that have been around for a few years and I just got around to them, and there were new shows that took the world by storm. Seriously, did anyone predict how big Shōgun was going to be? Because I sure didn't. Also, I am very grateful that it was renewed for a second season therefore not making me have to choose between their genius and the genius that is Ripley. Andrew Scott, just take all the Emmys. Take them all. You also have my heart you magnificent beast. Also, I can't describe my joy at seeing so many different genres of books adapted; chick lit, historical fiction, historical fantasy, horror, mysteries, middle grade, graphic novels, science fiction, and biography to name a few off the top of my head. And can we talk about the weird niche reinterpretation and continuing of classics? Because Monsieur Spade and The Artful Dodger deserve a special shout out. And second seasons! I've reached the point where I just feel like I'm listing the shows I like... And that could be a long and tedious list to read. So instead, join me in celebrating books that came to the small screen for the rest of the year. I'd be interested to hear which adaptations filled your bookish heart with glee.


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