Thursday, June 1, 2023


I have so many ideas for theme months that only a fraction of them make it to fruition. That being said I feel that there are some that are so important that no matter what I have to do them; and that's how it is with Pride. I've been wanting to do this for so long and looking at the world today, at all the hate against the LGBTQIA+ community, I knew that this June, no matter what, I would celebrate pride with inclusive books; books that a lot of people would like you to not read. So with more bans and more just bullshit I wanted you all to know that I am an ally. Love is love and I love you and we all love books. So let's celebrate Pride together, and you know, if people start getting us down, throw a riot or two, because it's no longer the time for hollow gestures, it's the time for action.


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