An Excess of Chicks: Chick Lit Month

chick lit [chick lit] – noun
- a genre of fiction concentrating on young working women and their emotional lives
- addresses issues of modern womanhood, often humorously and lightheartedly
- Bridget Jones is every woman, so where’s my Darcy?
- perfect for a theme month on my blog
So, while #3 is most important to me personally, I'll be addressing #4 here. That's right, Chick Lit Month is here! Why do a month to Chick Lit? Well, really, why not? In fact, why haven't I before is the real question of the day... The truth is, whenever I've been down and need a book that will wrap me in a warm duvet and take my cares away while spooning ice cream into my mouth, I have turned to this genre as a comfort read. Too much reality, too much bringing me down, where's Bridget Jones. Been on a glut of reading science fiction and fantasy and want something more like a contemporary fantasy, Chick Lit is there! From Helen Fielding and Bridget Jones to Sophie Kinsella and Becky Bloomwood, there's a world of ladies out there to entertain and enliven our lives while taking us out of our own for awhile. You'll learn how a failed theatre production lead to me meeting Bridget Jones (cough, read the Bridget Jones's Diary Review tomorrow, cough.) This meeting was fate. Bridget opened me to a whole new world of literature and set me firmly on the path to the bibliomaniac that I am today. Bridget changed me, and this theme month is the least I can do in tribute. But seriously, where has my Mr. Darcy gotten to?
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