Readathon Ends
Ok, so, I think I've done pretty well for myself. How have you done? This past week I've been participating in Kristen's Huge TBR Readathon over at Bookworming in the 21st Century, and I'm quite pleased with my results. Plus it was a lot of fun, I totally hope Kristen does it again in July, it's a wonderful excuse to just live in the land of the written word.
So what have I read you ask?
The Haunting of Andrew Sharpaiby Jerome Peterson (review to come, but thanks Jerome for the awesome book!)
First Escape, The Dopple Ganger Chroniclesby G.P. Taylor (so much better than Shadowmancer, man I hated that book!)
Death at Wentwater Courtby Carola Dunn (fun times between the wars at an English estate, so picking up the next one.)
Angel After the Fall Volume OneAngel After the Fall Volume Two: First Night
Angel After the Fall Volume Three
Angel After the Fall Volume Four
Spike After the Fall
Angel Volume Five: Aftermath
Angel Volume Six: Last Angel in Hell
Angel: Smile Time
11 Books! Woot! Woot! Yes, some were comics, but I've been dreaming of emersing myself back into Joss' universe for awhile and season six of Angel doesn't disappoint nearly as much as season eight of Buffy does. I miss my Angel.
I Loved First Escape! It's a great combo graphic novel/chapter book and it's just fantastic! :) Reminds me that I need to put it on order.. And I will definitely be doing this again in July. I <3 Readathons :)
Kristen said... June 21, 2010 at 12:06 AM
Can't wait! It was a lot of fun :) I really need to pick up the sequel to First Escape, see where the story leads! And I agree, the combo graphic novel/story is great for readers transitioning or for those who like a little more in their books, like Hugo Cabret, which I adored.
Miss Eliza said... June 21, 2010 at 12:08 AM
Even though i'm not really familiar with the books (or are they mangas in the last list?), i'm pretty sure you did great!
Darlyn said... June 21, 2010 at 4:00 AM
They're not mangas Darlyn, they're just regular comics continuing the story of a tv show I loved and am still bitter that it was cancelled, yes it's been six years, I should get over it...
Miss Eliza said... June 21, 2010 at 1:26 PM
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