Sunday, November 1, 2020

This Are a Few of My Favorite Things

My mom died earlier this year after a long battle with Parkinson's. If you knew one thing about my mom you knew she loved books. She also loved gardening and musicals and NCIS, but above all, books. She had different books she was reading in each room of our house. She'd be reading about genealogy in the living room and her latest obsession which would most likely turn into a display at the school where she was the librarian in the TV room and she'd be reading murder mysteries up in her bedroom usually until right before she went to sleep, which could be late in the night depending on the quality of the killing. Really the only way to celebrate my mom's life was to share her favorite books with everyone. Because what we love, what we read, informs us and becomes part of our DNA. Therefore for November and December I'm going to share with you the books she shared with me in order to mold me into the reader I am today, even if I tend to usually give the credit to Timothy Zahn and his Star Wars books over anyone else. The truth is my mom was there from day one, sorry Timothy, reading to me and making me watch The Sound of Music on Christmas while I lay on the couch with the chicken pox, because I had to see her second favorite musical, her first being My Fair Lady. That's when I was eleven. But there's also the time I was nineteen and she shoved Harry Potter at me long before he became the sensation he is today. And the time I was so young that I can't remember how old I was but she let me put food in the wall for the Borrowers because I got it out of a book she loved. So here's to my mom and her love of literature.     


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