Friday, September 6, 2024

The Sympathizer

One of my best friend's parents immigrated to the United States during the Vietnam War. Her father barely got out during the fall of Saigon. And the thing is, not many people cover this time in history from a Vietnamese perspective. I mean, there had to be a reason for the book winning the Pulitzer right? Some reviews likened the show to getting your dissertation in Vietnamese studies. And for that little slice of history the show captured something interesting, something unique, a look into my friend and her family's past, until it went off the freakin' rails. I know we're fully in the Robert Downey Jr. renaissance but that doesn't mean the dude can't make a mistake or two or five in his artfully heightened shoes. Whomever suggested to him that all the prominant American men in the Captain's life be played by him needs to be taken to a reeducation camp. I really thought we had moved beyond Robert Downey Jr. playing culturally inappropriate roles after the Tropic Thunder blackface debacle. And the thing there is while it was so wrong it was being used to show how wrong it was. Here it's just Robert Downey Jr. being so racially offensive that even justifying that he's all these characters because he plays the Captain's father feels like it's a bandaid for a limb being hacked off. I mean, why is Professor Robert Hammer literally Robert Downey Jr. camping it up as John Waters? If you wanted John Waters just hire John Waters! As for Congressman Ned Godwin... Sure, be some weird amalgam of a Kennedy and Bill Clinton. Film director Niko Damianos who is supposedly inspired by Francis Ford Coppola and John Landis should have led the two of them to sue for defamation if you were actually able to figure out it was supposed to be them. But the kicker is Bradley Cooper got a whole bunch of shit heaped on him for supposedly anti-Semitic prosthetics in his portrayal of Leonard Bernstein. While you could point to the long and horrible tradition of Jewface, what Bradley Cooper was doing was trying to make himself look just like a very specific person, which he succeeded in spectacularly, he WAS Bernstein. It's too bad the movie just wasn't any good. But where was the outcry for Robert Downey Jr. having a prosthetic nose for his character of Niko Damianos? Not a peep. That, my friends, is a double standard. At least people are calling him out on Doctor Doom because he's not Romani. I bet those people watched this show. Oh, and let's not forget the scene where all the characters he plays meet and have an orgy! I mean, I can't believe that this level of ego and narcissism was on a scene in this day and age. It's made me completely rethink my ever having liked him. How did he think this was a good idea? Seriously, how!?! If it wasn't for Queenie and her vaginal tears this would have been the worst show I watched this year. It will easily rank as one of the worst shows I've ever watched. Moreso because after seven episode there isn't even an ending.


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