Sunday, August 9, 2015

Pink Carnation Spotlight - JJ Feild (Colin Selwick)

Ah Colin Selwick. The time has finally come. For years I didn't picture JJ as one of my true dream men, only in the casting sense, and then something clicked this past year and now I can't see any adaptation of Lauren Willig's Pink Carnation books without him in them. I think just writing this makes me need to go watch Austenland STAT before I go into JJ withdrawal.

Name: JJ Feild

"Dream" Character Casting for the Lauren Willig Miniseries: Colin Selwick

First Impression: I believe the very first time I saw JJ was in The Secret Life of Mrs. Beeton, oddly enough with Anna Madeley whom I dream cast as Penlope! There's a slim chance it might have been The Ruby in the Smoke, but I'm like 75% sure it wasn't. Mainly because I didn't like JJ at first! Well, he was a bit of a dick in The Secret Life of Mrs. Beeton. You have this lovely wife whom you cheat on and give syphilis to! Shame!

Why they'd be the perfect actor for the Lauren Willig Miniseries: Um, everything. He's pretty, he's witty, and he looks amazing in Regency Clothes... oh wait... he's in the modern times. He he. OK, the real reason is that he was one of my back-up casting choices for Richard Selwick, Colin's ancestor, and I thought, hey, wouldn't it be cool if JJ was his decedent? Or JJ could play both, do it like Tobias Menzies on Outlander. Double the JJ makes me doubly happy.

Lasting Impression: Northanger Abbey, oddly this time with my dream casting for Amy Selwick! Which also might be one of the reasons I saw him as Richard Selwick... But back to Northanger Abbey. This might literally be my most favorite Austen adaptation ever. Not only did Andrew Davies perfectly capture the humor and parody that is central to this book, but he also added in those delicious little Gothic fantasy sequences that made me love JJ all the more for showing his humorous side along with his dramatic side.

What else you've seen them in: Captain America, Austenland, To the Ends of the Earth, Ruby in the Smoke and The Shadow in the North (with an amazingly sexy bedroom scene which doesn't appear on my DVD, for shame PBS and your "editing!), Marple, Poirot, The Musketeers, The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, The Night Watch, I have watched them all and I have loved him in every single one. And yes, I did actually see the first Captain American movie in the theater solely to see JJ on the big screen. But of all his films my favorite, hands down, is Austenland. With this film he shows that he is able to parody the rather significant historical period career he has built for himself. Yes, JJ might just be my dream man, that perfect combination of looks and self-deprecating humor. Sigh Mr. Nobley.

Can't believe it's them: The Musketeers, seriously, he's so gruff and yum all at once. Literally, I didn't even recognize him when he first showed up on the screen. About half-way through his two-parter arc I sat up and was like JJ!?! That just shows what an amazing actor he is. He can so thoroughly inhabit a role that you don't even recognize him and are so involved in the story that this knowledge comes as a shock. I wish they hadn't killed your character so that you could come back.

Wish they hadn't: Gotten Neve Campbell pregnant and thus ruined my chances with him? But seriously... TURN! Oh how I hate this show. I watched all of season one, before they added that "Washington's Spies" on the title to liven it up, and, ugh. It is slow, it is unbelievably badly directed, this is the only way I can account for such a stellar cast failing so hard. AND it inexplicably was renewed for a second season when better shows are cancelled all the time and thus tying JJ into this sinking ship and not freeing him up to do other, better, projects. Though, I have one thing to say as a pro for this show, it made me see that rat tails on men can be sexy.

Bio: Despite that luscious accent, John Joseph Feild was born in Boulder, Colorado, making him, shock, gasp, American! Though he comes by that accent naturally, moving with his family to England as a baby. In school he found his love of acting going to the Fine Arts College followed by the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. In his year off he backpacked around Tibet with his two older brothers. He quite literally got his first acting job the year he left school and in the past sixteen years has amassed quite a repertoire from period dramas to theatre. Besides stealing my heart as Mr. Tilney, he has stolen the heart of Neve Campbell, the Scream actress with whom he has a child. Hopefully TURN will soon be cancelled and we can look forward to JJ showing up on our big and small screens in something fabulous in the near future. WTF, TURN was renewed!?! Can they kill JJ's character, he needs off this show now!

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