Saturday, August 1, 2015

An August Adieu

How does one say goodbye to a book series that has been with you so long? Yes, there's mourning, but there must also be celebration. While re-reading all Lauren Willig's Pink Carnation books with my fellow readers on Ashley's blog, The Bubble Bath Reader, has helped me to maintain the sense of community that I got with these books, little did I expect the raw emotions when I read the last few words of this saga. I might have very strongly been hanging out around the bargaining stage of grief for awhile, unable to continue reading The Lure of the Moonflower. But we must all move on eventually and finish that last chapter. While I am helping Ashely bring this epic year long adventure to a close co-moderating August, I had originally thought to leave my own blog silent. Yes, I am contrary. For someone who has done a plethora of theme months devoted to Lauren to not do something at the end, what's that about right? I think initially my thought process was that it was over and done with, what more could I say? But the real truth is that these books have been there for me as I have changed over the past eight years and there are stories that go along with my journey. Stories that might entertain. Stories that will definitely fill my blog while I'm on jury duty. Because really, it was the fact that I've been called to jury duty for all of August that made me rethink things. So sit back, relax, enjoy the show, and think of me in a cold courtroom downtown (downtown, downtown, downtown, NOT downton) wishing I was reading a book or, you know, in a room with windows.

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